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Faculty List





Participation in Seminars/Conferences/Symposium

Sl.No. Type of Program Role Name of Program Title of Paper Date Organising Institution Level
1 Conference Presenter for presenting the paper (online) entitled, ____________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ at the International Conference on Technology Disrupt K-pop Marketing Alchemy: Transforming Customer Perception by the Big Four Agencies 24/01/2025 Christ University Institutional
2 Conference Presenter for presenting the paper entitled, ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ at the International Conference on Technology Disrupti Workplace spirituality and inclusive leadership skills among employees in the private service organisations. 24/01/2025 Christ University Institutional
3 Conference Moderator/Chair The 2nd international conference on driving innovative digital transformation and economic sustainability 27/09/2024 CMR University Institutional
4 Conference Presenter DRISHTI 2024 Exploring the influence of CSR on competitive advantage and societal gains 11/09/2024 Vivekananda college of engineering and technology Institutional
5 Conference Co-presenter GRDAM - International Conference 22/03/2024 G.R. Damodaran Academy of Management! Institutional
6 Conference Presenter Conference Text Mining analysis of consumer durables' Experience 29/01/2024 Kristu Jayanthi College Institutional
7 Conference Moderator/Chair International conference 05/10/2023 Christ University Institutional
8 Conference Presenter 4th Rajagiri Management Conference Determinants of purchase decisions towards green products; A study of FMCG Sector 03/04/2023 Rajagiri Business School Institutional
9 Conference Presenter Synthesize Green Consumerism and Beyond: Uncovering the Environmental Altruism and Purchase Intention 18/12/2018 Christ University Institutional
10 Participant Business Analytics in the Digital World 03/03/2018 Christ University National
11 Conference Presenter National Conference Influence of retention strategies on satisfaction level of teachers: A Regression model 10/03/2017 Christ University National
12 Conference Presenter Business Ecosystem-Issues,Challenges and Oppurtunities Influence of superior support and leadership on satisfaction level of teachers among Management Institutions in Bengaluru: A stepwise regression model. 05/11/2015 Christ University International
13 Conference Presenter Emerging Trends in Business An empirical study of faculty retention strategies and impact on length of service among Management Institutions in Bengaluru. 11/12/2014 Christ University National
14 Conference Presenter Emerging Trends in Business Perceived Influence of Work life balance policies on Job satisfaction among bank employees in Nepal 11/12/2014 Christ University National
15 Conference Presenter Sustainable Business Models in the Emerging Global Economy CHALLENGES OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT CLIMATE 13/11/2014 BMS College International
16 Conference Presenter Emerging Trends in Business Factors Influencing men to purchase male oriented cosmetic products. 14/12/2012 Christ University National
17 Seminar Presenter Asia Euro Conferance Community participation in Tourism - An Evaluation of the Practices of Jungle Lodges and Resorts Ltd India 30/11/2012 Tatlors University Institutional

Own MPhil/PhD Thesis

Sl.No. Title Guide Name Institution Month Year
1 Impact of Retention Strategies on Performance of Teachers Dr John Manohar Bharathiyar University

Workshop/FDP/Training programme Attended

Sl.No. Name of the Workshop/FDP/Training programme Name of Oraganiser Level Date
1 H R Conclave CHRIST university, Kengeri Campus National 15/03/2024
2 FDP Centre for Education beyond curriculum and Skill Development College Regional 26/06/2023
3 Faculty Development Program On Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Using Python Finland Labs (A Unit of Revert Technology Pvt. Ltd.) In Association with National Social Summit, IIT Roorkee National 10/08/2020
4 Training CHRIST UNIVERSITY- BGR CASMPUS Institutional 13/07/2020
5 Workshop on Data Structuring and Analysis Tools CHRIST COLLEGE OF SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT National 29/06/2020
6 Faculty Development Program Christ University 01/10/2013
7 SAP 01- END USER COURSE CLOCKWORK ACADEMY Institutional 05/08/2013


Sl.No. Name of the Awards/Achievements/Others Description Organisation Month/ Year
1 Best Paper Award in HR An empirical study of faculty retention strategies and impact on length of service among Management Institutions in Bengaluru. DMS, Christ University 11 December 2014


(Deemed to be University)

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Karnataka, India

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Web: http://www. christuniversity.in




CHRIST (Deemed to be University) is a nurturing ground for an individual's holistic development to make effective contribution to the society in a dynamic environment.

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